This is my signature program for men + women called THE WAYSHOWERS.
It is the highest form of service I can provide at this time.
This is a mentorship for people who know in their bones they are the trailblazers of the new paradigm of relationships - and are serious about walking the path that I have created.
If you are a Wayshower, you probably know it.
You're here to embody the highest level of relationships - all the way up to divine union.
You understand that part of your destiny is to be a wayshower for others in this domain.
You understand that relationships are a vehicle for healing, growth + evolution on a soul level.
Relationship lessons + healing your sexuality have been center stage for you in this lifetime.
You understand how to alchemize the material of your life for soul growth; or, you want to learn how.
You feel that we are only scratching the surface of what's possible in relationships, and want to play in the vast realms of what's available to us.
You are intuitively pulled to conscious relationships + divine union.
Essentially, you know that you have been drawn here for a reason - and that it is your destiny to be part of the creation of the new paradigm of relationships.
What is it?
The Wayshowers is a three month intensive mentorship that includes 12 weekly 90 minute sessions + daily Telegram support.
This is the deepest and most intensive way to work with me.
This mentorship can begin whenever you are ready to book your first session.
** Please note: I also offer this program as a hybrid of 1:1 sessions and group sessions three times per year. The January 2025 cohort is full. The next round of the hybrid mentorship will be May-July 2025.
Before you dive in to the curriculum:
There are two entry points to this program, and I will assess where you're at before we get started.
We will either focus on Levels One + Two, or Levels Two + Three if you have already attained secure attachment, are free of codependency, and have transcended the victim triangle.
(See below for a description of the levels. I also cover them in depth here.)
The vast majority of people will begin at Level One to strengthen their foundation, and then we work upwards.
However, there are some people who are ready for the advanced levels now.
It would be impossible to cover everything on the path in three months. However, if you begin at Level One and want to go all the way, you may wish to continue on for another round where we will go higher.
My goal is for everyone to walk down the Path of Divine Union, and this is the map to get you there.
The path we will walk together:
Level One: Building a Strong Foundation
Building secure attachment
Healing codependency programming
Transcending the drama triangle (victim mentality)
Addressing any empath-narcissist dynamics
My three goals for you during stage one are to develop secure attachment, shed codependency, and step out of the victim triangle.
This provides the most strong + stable foundation upon which everything else is built.
I always say that when we don't have this in place, everything else will collapse - and it's really true!
The vast majority of people need to start here, or go back and fill in the gaps.
There is no shame here, I want to set you up for maximum success when you transcend to the higher levels.
Some of the practical parts of Stage One are building a foundation of self-love, mastering boundaries, and understanding reciprocity.
This involves healing any relational wounds currently running behind the scenes in your adult life, learning excellent communication, and owning your triggers.
Level Two: Practicing Conscious Relationships
Truth-Telling + Authentic Relating
Radical Self-Responsibility + Self-Compassion
Conscious Dating (or Conscious Relating)
Sexual Healing + Supercharged Intimacy
Stage Two is all about practicing conscious relationships. This means that you understand that relationships are a vehicle for evolution and are willing to see all of your unconscious patterns to be able to heal and integrate them.
You do not need a partner for this program - if you don't have one, we will prepare you for partnership and you will also learn to practice conscious relationships now, with everyone in your life.
You will begin working with a deeper, more advanced level of maturity surrounding what your relationships are calling forward within you.
The idea that relationships are a vehicle to evolve won't just be a concept, you will actually learn how to practice relationships in this way and will experience major healing and growth as a result.
You will begin to master relationship alchemy, and will learn to face the Upper Limit Problem, which is anything standing in the way of you getting out of your comfort zone and moving towards your higher self.
We will address any sexual abuse, trauma, and/or distorted programming, and work on the energetic + psychological levels to clear.
Level Three: Divine Union + Spiritual Partnership
Deep understanding of what true Divine Union is and how to move towards it
This is the most advanced level that is available to us right now as humans, once we build Levels One + Two.
You will continue to walk down Jung's Path of Individuation and begin to start embodying your higher self through deeper levels of shadow work to clear the relational template, anima/animus integration for inner union, and working with the outer union of partnership to continue the soul growth + evolution.
Divine Union is Union with God, and this is facilitated through Spiritual Partnership.
We are the Wayshowers of this new paradigm of relationships for spiritual evolution and enlightenment. You will know in your bones if this is you.
It doesn't matter what level you are currently at, a knowingness that you are here for this path and a willingness to put in the work is all that is required.
Things to consider:
It is important to make time and space to focus deeply on this work during our time together.
The commitment goes beyond our weekly sessions - I'll provide books, articles, audios, and other material individualized for you to deepen the work in between sessions, as well as exercises to put into practice in your current life and relationships.
We are also engaging in Telegram during the week, so it really is a daily commitment over 90 days.
Because of this, it is wise to avoid taking on other big commitments such as other programs, etc.
I also highly encourage a regular breathwork practice while we work together - a few times/week is ideal.
The time commitment is significant, depending on how deep you want to go and how quickly you want to move through the work. What you put into it is what you'll get out of it.
I will provide encouragement along the way, but it's up to you to put everything into practice in between sessions.
Excellent communication is required, and if you need to slow down or have anything adjusted along the way, just let me know.
During our time together, we will have a shared 1:1 space on Telegram for you to ask questions, write reflections, breakthroughs, challenges, and other notes so that I can monitor your progress and provide feedback in between sessions.
You are not new to deep self-work and have already addressed the majority of your trauma/relationship wounds.
You aren't in crisis mode and have the bandwidth + desire to move to the next stage of development in your relationships and spirituality.
You have read the following articles and resonate with the work:
You wholeheartedly take personal responsibility for life, have a growth mentality, and know that we are here to learn and grow on a soul level through the lessons of life.
If all of this rings true, please book a free call below so we can see if this is aligned for you.
(If I have worked with you before, just let me know that you are ready - we don't have to meet for a call unless you have questions.)
12 weekly private sessions Each session is a 90 minute deep dive: a combination of mentorship, therapy, and breathwork.
Daily support on Telegram I will be in there Mon-Fri to witness your shares and provide support as needed.
Individualized recommendations I give you books, articles, videos, exercises, practices and many resources along the way that are personalized for exactly where you are. This program does include homework and practices in between sessions.
This mentorship is meant to completely change your life and heal the way you do relationships - forever.
Not only will you build a strong + solid foundation of healthy relationship skills, but you will be a true leader for everyone around you, modeling how to use relationships as a spiritual, evolutionary vehicle.
Secret perks of the mentorship that I haven't advertised is that I consider you to be a VIP and give you free access to any groups that I'm running during our time together - typically bonuses worth over $1000. You also have access to future 1:1 sessions if you need them after completing the mentorship, whereas I have closed regular sessions to the public in order to focus on this work.
Words cannot fully capture this experience, so trust your intuition - you will know if this is the path for you.
If you are ready to be a Wayshower, this is for you.
I collect pre- and post- assessment data to provide quantitative evidence of transformation, in addition to the qualitative shifts that we see and feel.
From the last round of the mentorship:
All of the participants moved into secure attachment from either anxious, avoidant, or disorganized.
All participants made significant decreases in their levels of codependency - by an average reduction of 34 points. They all went from high or medium-high levels of codependency to low levels.
(The codependency measurement I use provides a score from 0-88, with a higher score being indicative of a greater level of codependency.)
Secure attachment, along with freedom from codependency, provides the strongest base from which to rise into the higher levels of conscious relationships and spiritual union.
Qualitative data of anecdotal shifts included:
Practicing conscious relationships skills with partners, family and friends
Developing higher levels of self-love and self-worth
Implementing loving boundaries with ease and confidence
Moving from taking over-responsibility for problems to 'right' responsibility
Sourcing self-worth from within + a relationship to something higher (vs. sourcing externally)
Enjoying reciprocal relationships with a balance of giving + receiving
Leaving relationships, jobs and locations that were negatively impacting their well-being
Working with triggers in a conscious way for growth + healing (vs. blaming the other)
Developing assertive communication to express needs + wants compassionately
More comfort with vulnerability + true intimacy with others
A healthy balance of togetherness + alone time that reflects secure attachment and interdependency
Leaving people pleasing behind and embodying their true, authentic self with ease
The results from this last round of the mentorship far exceeded my expectations, and I am beyond thrilled for everyone who participated.
If you're new and want to learn more:
If you are drawn to the mentorship but don't know if you're totally ready, or want more of an introduction to my work, here are some resources:
I have over 40 podcast episodes here that include amazing guests like Laura Matsue, Bernhard Guenther, Erin Telford, Dr. George Simon, Ashly Rose Wolf, Jillian Anderson, Mikaal Bates, Jeddy Azuma and more.
I teach conscious relationship principles that are similar to the framework shared in the book Conscious Loving, so I highly recommend reading this book.
The article by Lynne Forrest on the victim triangle is essential, and I am passionate about helping people transcend this - I believe it is a huge key in the evolution of humanity.
Finally, if you're not ready for this path but want to work together to prepare for the mentorship, I offer single sessions that you can book here.
Please note - I only take on new clients who are aligned with this bigger scope of work. If you have no interest in this path, then I will refer you to others who may be a better fit.